On Monday we were very lucky to go out in the park in the evening to see our animal friends and do birdwatching! The beginning of summer is a wonderful time to do that as baby birds have already grown enough to fly out of the nests and gather food themselves. It is also a time of abundance – you can see life blossoming everywhere.
Here are just some of the birds we have spotted while doing the birdwatching:
Nature can be very liberating. It is so free and different from our normal everyday lives with lots of social restrictions, no wonder some people tend to go completely free and wild in nature – that helps them get back to their wild roots and connect with nature. It is especially easy to observe in young children – they become so happy and excited in nature, the smiles always appear on their faces once in the wild! However, that excitement can sometimes lead to people harassing nature, such as running after the birds, chasing squirrels, scarring of bunnies… Even though the nature is very different from the human world we are usually used to, it does not mean that we have to forget about respectful treatment of animals. Even though they might be of a different species from us, we should still treat them in the same way we would treat a human. Indeed, once you start treating animals as equals to you they start opening up to you, and that is the chance to form a real bond, a friendship, which we already managed to make with many wild animals due to our careful, respectful approach.
We really urge everyone going in nature to treat animals and wildlife they find their with due respect, and also teach their children to do the same. We believe that the world can become a much happier place once people learn to see equals in other creatures. Indeed, we live in the same world, on the same planet – animals are your neighbours in the same way your human neighbours are. Treat them with the same respect you would treat your human neighbour!
Do you do bird watching when going out in nature? Maybe, you do it in your own garden? Which birds you have spotted so far? Have you managed to make friends with any of those birds?
We would love to hear your stories!