Thank you everyone for coming at our first Gong Bath event in Elmbridge Community Centres – we were very happy to receive support from our families, friends, and each and every of you who came that day. We are looking forward to seeing you at our coming events! For our upcoming sound events, please, visit Our Events page

Tags: alternative therapyawarenesscommunitycomplimentary therapyconsciousnesselmbridgeelmbridge community centreenergyenergy healingeventgonggong bathhealinghealing therapyhealthholisticholistic healingholistic healing therapyholistic healthholistic therapyholistic wellbeingholistic wellnesslaunchlaunch eventmeditationmindfulnessself-developmentsoundsound bathsound eventsound healingsound therapyspiritualitytherapywalton on thameswellbeingwellness