We chose Surrey Wildlife Trust as one of the charities we wanted to support because we absolutely love and believe in what they are doing. In fact, we see the Trust’s beliefs closely related to our own – helping the community and environment, educating people about health, well-being and the environment, raising the awareness about the environmental issues, just to name a few.
Here is just a short list of the things Surrey Wildlife Trust does:
- Take care of wildlife sites and reserves. They currently manage 82 sites, in total covering almost 8,000ha, which is 5% of the land area of the county!
- Educate children and adults. The Trust organises wildlife walks, work parties, and illustrated talks.
- Campaign for saving the habitats and the species, working alongside with politicians, planners and members of the public.
- Encourage and help other landowners to take care of their lands in wildlife-friendly ways
- Provide advise about the wildlife by offering advise and information to help developers, planners and individuals protect and support wildlife habitats.
- Encourage and support volunteers – Surrey Wildlife Trust currently has over 1,000 volunteers!
You can see the full list of what Surrey Wildlife Trust does here http://www.surreywildlifetrust.org/what-we-do, and we also encourage you to look at their website http://www.surreywildlifetrust.org/– they have lots of useful information there, like how to help hedgehogs http://www.surreywildlifetrust.org/sites/default/files/hedgehog-16pp-booklet-final.pdf, or how to make your garden a wildlife sanctuary http://www.surreywildlifetrust.org/wildlife/wildlife-gardening. You can also “spy” after the wildlife http://www.surreywildlifetrust.org/wildlife-cameras, or subscribe to educational E-newsletters http://www.surreywildlifetrust.org/discover-learn/subscribe-education-e-news, like we did. They also do regular fun campaigns, like the coming 30 Days Wild Campaign where throughout the whole month of June 2016 you do something wild everyday to “feel happier, healthier and more connected to nature”. We already joined and are receiving a starter pack and a poster to keep track of our WILD actions – watch our blog to see how we go WILD in June 2016!