As you might know, we donate 1 GBP from each of the sold ticket at our Sound Events to worthy causes (you can learn more about our Sound Events and book your place on Our Events page We are already cooperating with Surrey Wildlife Trust, but we are still looking for a local animal shelter to support. In the lights of this, Holistic Healing Therapy is starting a competition! We are giving away FOUR FREE TICKETS worth 40 GBP for yourself or your friends and family to our upcoming Sound Events in any of your preferred locations if you suggest a (preferably) local Surrey animal shelter that is in need of help and we decide to go ahead with your proposed shelter. We will be looking for your suggestions – any of the propositions will be much appreciated! You can contact us either by filling in the Contact Form at Contact Us page, sending us an email at, or calling us on 01932 880 712. Let us together build and improve our community, and help those in need!!

Tags: alternative therapyanimal shelteranimalsawarenesscharitycommunitycompetitioncomplimentary therapyconsciousnessfree ticketsgonggong bathhealinghealing therapyhelphelp yourself help othersholisticholistic healingholistic healthholistic therapyholistic well-beingimproving communityloveself-developmentshare the lovesoundsound eventssound healingsound therapyspiritualitytherapywe are the lovewe are the worldwinworthy cause