We are thrilled to announce a truly unique relaxation retreat! This retreat builds on our experience of organising hundreds of therapeutic group sessions. We have put everything together to create something extraordinary. We invite you to review our itinerary to see what we have included. http://holistichealingtherapy.co.uk/retreat-itinerary/
This retreat combines all of the modalities we teach into one very relaxing package. By the end, we expect you to feel a sense of expansion and rejuvenation. Our retreat builds on the elements we share in our weekly sessions. Forest Bathing & Nature Therapy, Yoga, Cacao and Gong sessions are incredibly complimentary, each enhancing the other.
About the location – Avon Tyrell
“With something to offer everyone from schools, youth groups and corporate companies to families and friends, anyone can enjoy an unforgettable time with us. We have a very unique and beautiful site with a Grade I listed calendar house with a remarkable history, camping and lodges offering a special experience for all.”
We conducted extensive research into the New Forest looking for the perfect retreat location. As soon as we arrived at Avon Tyrell, we were excited. Following a tour of the grounds we knew we had found the spot we were looking for, Avon Tyrell surpassed our requirements in a number of areas, and we are very excited to share this stunning location with our retreat guests! We hope you will agree it is a peaceful sanctuary perfect for recharging the batteries.
Part of the process for getting back in touch with nature is the rustic charm of the wooden lodges surrounded by trees. You will no doubt get a feel for the accommodation from the photos; they are centrally heated and offer most modern amenities including WIFI. The bedrooms are not huge but should serve our purposes well. The lodges have a large sitting room and kitchen area should you need a space to relax outside of our sessions. The bathrooms are shared but close to the rooms. There are also kitchen facilities available in the lodges should you need them. Our meals will be prepared for us, and we will eat in the Calendar house.
Forest Bathing & Nature Therapy
Emerging science is highlighting the importance of Ancient Woodland environments for human health. Instead of thinking of Nature Therapy as a walk in the woods, we would describe it as a mindful sensory journey designed to calm the body and mind. We won’t walk a vast distance; there will be plenty of time to sit, relax and soak in the atmosphere of this exceptional place.
If you have ever wondered about the healing effects of Nature, we will share various techniques that help us; we will also reveal the latest science on how natural settings positively impact the physiology of the body. You will return home with a few techniques to use when you need them.
In cooperation with the University of Derby, we have started the replication of Japanese science demonstrating the therapeutic effects of nature. We have agreements already in place to begin working with two more universities. Our research focus is on measuring the physiological changes that take place inside the body under exposure to woodland environs.
We could say a lot more about this subject, but we will wait until we are on location! We have already received incredibly positive feedback about our events and have launched national events with the RSPB.
Hatha & Yin Yoga sessions
There are many documented health and wellbeing benefits of doing yoga. “Yoga participants report better sleep, increased energy levels and muscle tone, relief from muscle pain and stiffness, improved circulation and overall better general health. The breathing aspect of yoga can benefit heart rate and blood pressure”.
Trained in India, we are teaching traditional Himalayan style yoga with Yin elements. Yoga is a balance between mind, body, and spirit. Our yoga practices combine all three elements – physical workout in the form of yoga postures; exercises to extend vital force (also known as prana or chi/ki) – pranayama; and spiritual practices – in the form of mantra repetition and concentration on internal states of consciousness throughout the practice. Our classes are suitable for all lvels of experience, variations will be offered to those with more experience.
Gong Bath sessions
Our sound experiences are designed to help release deeply held stress and tension. As we will have the opportunity to work with guests on multiple days, we anticipate peeling away layers of stress, much like you would peel away the layers of an onion!
As you will see from our itinerary, we are offering different types of gong baths to compliment the other sessions we have arranged. This retreat will give you the opportunity to understand how much the gong and sound vibration has to offer.
During our sessions, we will use different instruments, such as rattles, crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, drums, gongs and others. We use a variety to help maximize the effects and also make it more interesting and exciting for you! We aim to build a safe, comfortable, yet magical atmosphere and hope to offer you a friendly and inspirational place to relax.
Cacao Ceremony
Our Cacao ceremony is designed to be a highlight of the retreat. This should be a transformational and beautiful evening, perhaps one we will never forget!
Cacao (chocolate in its raw form) is a powerful plant medicine, used in sacred ceremonies over South and Central America for thousands of years. The cacao tree originated in Central America and parts of Mexico and was consumed by pre-Columbian cultures, including the Mayans, in spiritual ceremonies.
Our retreat gong bath and cacao ceremony is designed to open the heart and reconnect us with our highest self, opening us to hearing our heart’s subtle voice. Cacao can also be used as a useful tool for healing heart-related emotional issues, and opening oneself to the feeling of love, self-love, compassion, and connection with Nature. Our relationship to nature will also be strengthened in our beautiful location by the lake surrounded by trees.
We have sourced the best ceremonial cacao we are aware of, its grown organically and traditionally by the Ashaninka Tribe in central Peru. Money from cacao sales goes towards helping the local community of the Ashaninka Tribe, as well as helping to protect Ashaninka Tribal land. To ensure the best results possible, we believe it’s essential to ensure that cacao is as pure as possible, and explicitly grown for being used in sacred cacao ceremonies,
Cacao has many documented health benefits. It has a rich source of antioxidants, including flavanoids, which are believed to have an anti-aging effect, can help cardio-vascular health, and improve blood supply to the brain, facilitating learning and memory. Cacao might also help reduce blood pressure.
Accommodation details
Retreat results – what you can expect?
If you can imagine a spiritual spring clean, you will no doubt find we have dusted in a few hard to reach corners by the end of your time with us. Do not underestimate this, the combination of various modalities will work very profoundly 🙂
On a physiological level, 48 hours in a forest environment has been proven to boost NK cells in the immune system; this effect can last for up to a month! For more detail on the therapeutic impact of spending time amongst trees, please watch this 19 minute Youtube clip with associate professor Qing Li of the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo. The interview explains why we have decided to hold this retreat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jPNll1Ccn0&t=278s
Retreat includes
1. All accommodation as listed in the itinerary
2. All meals; breakfast, lunch, and dinner as listed
(including Organic, vegan and vegetarian options)
3. All classes, sessions and onsite experiences
4. Gary Evans and Olga Terebenina as your hosts
5. Cacao Ceremony
6. Gong Baths
7. Yoga Classes
8. Forest Bathing & Nature Therapy
We hope you will decide to join us and we look forward to sharing many beautiful experiences with all of our guests.
If you have any questions, please drop us a line, we are always happy to hear from people and be of assistance.
Gary & Olga
Please contact us via the contact us page, or call 01932 880 712
For more information please review the following links
Retreat Itinerary http://holistichealingtherapy.co.uk/retreat-itinerary/
Retreat payment details and terms and conditions http://holistichealingtherapy.co.uk/retreat-booking-details/